
Welcome to my Portfolio!
I hope you like what you see here. :)

  I have been doing art since the day I can remember, and have always been searching for new things to experiment with. Some time around when I was about eleven, I got a little more serious about my passions and have been trying to improve on them. Thanks to the internet and its vast amounts of tutorials and information, I've learned many things about my goals and how to get there. I've come very far in my skills, but still have a loooong way to go!
     I seem to be getting visitors already. Just know that the site is still a work in progress that I haven't updated much since 2015. I may even switch hosts. Also switch my alias to my full name.

Personal Favorites

Down by the Lake Viewtiful Chibi Sample Character
Civil War Portraits Fruit Sprites Sprites Ms. Paint
Rima Hotaru Mye and Hex Day of Fun

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